Technical Support
Whether you have a problem, complaint, praise, or a suggestion, we'd love to hear from you. However, if you're looking for an answer to a question, please consult the available resources before contacting us. Some helpful sources are listed here.
Search the Documentation

Yes, you're reading this, so you've probably checked the documentation to see if it answers your question. Nevertheless, do a quick search for keywords using HistoryHound itself. The information you're currently reading is indexed along with your history and bookmarks, so if you need help, the fastest way to find it is to do a search for it - in HistoryHound, of course! You'll get your answer faster, and we'll have more time to work on the next version of HistoryHound :-)
Frequently Asked Questions
We keep an up-to-date list of frequently asked questions on our website. Take a look at the HistoryHound FAQ and see if we've already got an answer to your question.
Contacting St. Clair Software
OK, so you've searched high and low and still can't find an answer to your question, or perhaps you've found a bug you'd like to report. Or even better, maybe you just want to tell us how great HistoryHound is, or give us a really cool suggestion. By all means, let us know! You can choose Technical Support from the Help menu in HistoryHound to go straight to our web site, where you'll find a form to send us an email. Or you can just put it in writing and send it to us at:
email: postal: St. Clair Software
271 S. Emerson Street
Denver, CO 80209